Helpful Guides

Here are some useful guides, designed to support parents and carers.

Discover a collection of useful resources to help you navigate your way through some complex situations.

From sexting to online safety, we’re passionate about delivering expert advice and support to our community.

Helpful guides for parents and carers

NWG Online Onguard Leaflet

A guide to becoming a safer parent online


CSE Parents Leaflet

Understanding Child Sexual Exploitation – A guide for parents and carers


Keeping it Together

A parent’s guide to coping with child sexual exploitation


A Parents Guide to Dealing with Sexting

What to do and how to handle it



Think Twice, Think Abuse

The national awareness day campaign. We believe that if we can make more people aware by joining together on our National CE Awareness Day, we can improve the chances of young people being heard.

Say something, if you see something! (SSIYSS)

We believe that if we can make more people aware all year round through our Say Something If You See Something (SSSS) campaign, that we can improve the chances of young people being heard.


FaceUpToIt was developed to help young people who are vulnerable or potentially feel they are taking risks. Is exists to help raise awareness of the dangers of grooming and sexual exploitation.

Do you know the tactics?

Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults is everyone’s responsibility and this also applies in the world of sport. This campaign has been designed specifically for the sports sector to help raise awareness of how abuse can occur through sport.

It's more than just a cover story

Children world-wide, face the horrors of child sexual exploitation (CE) everyday. Our cover stories are purposefully haunting and aim to communicate the realities of CE via thought provoking straplines.

Spot the signs

A4 poster that helps the community to spot the signs of child exploitation. Display this poster with pride and help us to raise awareness of CE.

Join us on National Awareness Day as we give children a voice.

18 March

Find out more

Display our national awareness campaign.

Think Twice,
Think Abuse.

Download campaign

Real Stories