This animation has been specifically designed for the faith sector to help individuals within these communities – whether parents, community members, faith leaders or volunteers, to understand how to recognise signs of abuse and respond effectively to concerns.
Our campaign is deliberately inclusive and neutral, with no reference to any particular faith, ethnicity, culture, race, or gender. By using animation and abstract shapes, we aim to keep the story at the forefront, ensuring that the message remains universal and relevant to all.
If you’re a parent, community member, faith leaders or volunteers in the faith community, these posters provide basic guidance to help you better understand what to look out for, know how to respond to concerns of abuse and ensure the right safeguarding training and policies are in place.
By downloading and displaying our posters in your faith settings – together we can raise awareness and deter the exploitation of children.
The posters below allow you to print and display, showing your support in helping us to raise awareness.
The Say Something if You See Something Campaign (including these posters) are the exclusive intellectual property of NWG and is protected under UK Copyright laws. The campaign may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without the written permission of NWG. Use of our campaign is exclusively for the purpose of raising awareness through a shared and consistent voice. All copyrights © 2024 NWG Network. Images © Indie Pictures. Registered Charity No. 1125632. Company No. 6557851.